Operation Team Structure and Achievements

Advanced drone operation by nationally certified personnel

NEXT DELIVERY’s operations team is led by its Chief Operations Officer, the first to obtain Japan’s national First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Certification and is comprised of professionals with First Class and Second Class First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Certification, who are involved in daily operations of new smart logistics systems throughout Japan. NEXT DELIVERY’s operations team is involved in drone operations in areas where the SkyHub® is implemented, improving their skills and know-how. NEXT DELIVERY also has an extensive internal human resource development and personnel training program that fosters the next generation of professionals, including remote pilots. In collaboration with local human resources, NEXT DELIVERY is conducting demonstration tests for local governments to implement the new smart logistics system SkyHub®, providing drone operation services tailored to the business needs of operators, and expanding the scope of our activities during disasters, not only in Japan but also in other countries, as well. In December 2023, NEXT DELIVERY received Japan’s first ever flight approval for the newly established “Flight Level 3.5” and conducted Japan’s first “Level 3.5” flight in Kamishihoro Town, Hokkaido. Since that flight, NEXT DELIVERY has routinely conducted Level 3.5 flights in numerous locations throughout Japan.