Technology Licensing

4D GRAVITY® is an airframe structural design technology that solves numerous hardware issues faced by drones by improving the basic performance of industrial drones, in areas such as stability, efficiency, and maneuverability. Aeronext has patented this unique technology and manages it as the 4D GRAVITY® patent portfolio through a comprehensive intellectual property system, and operates a technology licensing business that offers the technology and brand as part of a 4D GRAVITY® license package.

IP System and Achievements
Aeronext places great importance on intellectual property in its domestic and international business development, and conducts IP management with intellectual property strategy as the core of its business. Aeronext strategically develops its patent portfolio not only to protect its technologies, but also to promote its technologies worldwide, and has established an integrated in-house system that allows its team of IP professionals to conduct everything from acquisition of rights to licensing in a meticulous, speedy, and consistent manner. Aeronext has built a complex and comprehensive patent network centered on 4D GRAVITY®, which covers not only 4D GRAVITY®-related patents, but also peripheral technologies such as drone ports, logistics-related patents, and more. Aeronext continously applies for and obtains patents not only in Japan, but also overseas with an eye to our international business activities. From 2020 on, Aeronext has been focused on the logistics domain, and Aeronext is proud to be the No. 1 Japanese company in terms of drone patents* in the logistics domain.
(*Source: LexisNexis PatentSight; Analysis based on 1,600 patent families active at 2022/9/22.)-
Number of Domestic
and Foreign Patent
Number of Patents
Cumulative total since the company's foundation in April 2017; data is as of the end of February, 2025.
4D GRAVITY®︎ is a unique airframe structure design technology that improves the basic performance of industrial drones, with optimization of the center of gravity and aerodynamics as the core technical concept. Especially in the field of logistics, where stability and maneuverability are required, Aeronext works with technology partners who are licensees of 4D GRAVITY®︎ to jointly develop specialized aircraft for logistics. Separately from logistics, Aroenext has also developed and launched drones equipped with 4D GRAVITY®︎ for various industrial applications in the areas of aerial photography, inspection, and surveying.
The future of logistics and industrial drones
made possible by 4D GRAVITY®︎