Achievements/case studies
Noto Peninsula Disaster Area Activities

Wajima City to transport medical supplies by drone to areas isolated by earthquake.
Following the Noto Peninsula Earthquake on January 1, 2024, Aeronext and NEXT DELIVERY, in cooperation with the General Incorporated Association Japan UAS Industrial Development Association (JUIDA), have been delivering medical supplies by drone in Wajima City since January 7, at the request of Wajima City. This is the first attempt in Japan to use drones to deliver supplies in times of disaster.
JUIDA started activities on January 6 to search for missing persons and assess damage using drones with the support of Blue innovation Co. and Liberaware Co., Ltd. Aeronext Inc. and ACSL Ltd. joined this activity and delivered medicine by drone from the Wajima City Cultural Hall to the evacuation center of Konosu Elementary School in an isolated area on January 8.
The delivery was made using AirTruck, a logistics-specific drone jointly developed by Aeronext and ACSL, which flew a distance of approximately 3 km in approximately 10 minutes to deliver medicine for three residents. In addition, two additional flights were made on January 9 to deliver medical supplies.


Outline of Activities
Date: From January 8, 2024 until TBD
Location: Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture
Delivery details and routes (subject to additions and changes in the future)
1)Transport medical supplies from Wajima City Cultural Hall to Konosu Elementary School evacuation center (approx. 3 km one way)
Aircraft Used: AirTruck
Supervision: General Incorporated Association Japan UAS Industrial Development Association, JUIDA
Operation: NEXT DELIVERY Inc.
Cooperation: Aeronext Inc., ACSL Ltd.
項目 | ドローンの有用性 |
迅速な初動対応が可能 | ⚫︎ヘリコプターなどの有人航空機と比べて出動準備が短く、災害発生時に迅速に災害対応を行うことが可能 ⚫︎人が入りづらい場所、危険な場所に入っていき、状況を確認することが可能 ⚫︎陸上輸送や海からの輸送が困難な状況でも配送が可能 ⚫︎ドローンは省スペースでも離着陸が可能なため、災害時でも周辺環境に左右されずに利用が可能 |
救援者のリスク軽減・安全確保 | ⚫︎人に代わりドローンに危険な場所に入っていけるため、救援者への危険性や二次災害を低減することができる |
様々な情報・データの取得が可能 | ⚫︎他の航空機と比べて、飛行高度が低く、空撮映像の解像度も高い。 ⚫︎ドローンからの空撮映像を用いて3次元測量も可能※ |
項目 | 迅速稼働に向けた課題 |
飛行許可の課題 | ⚫︎ドローン関連事業者はあらかじめ自治体などとの連携協定を結んでいない限り、被災直後の支援が難しい ⚫︎災害時は、緊急用務空域が指定され、ドローンの飛行は原則禁止となる。自治体からの支援要請がない限り、災害時特例として民間企業として単独での支援は困難 |
機能の課題 | ⚫︎天候に左右される ⚫︎長時間飛行が難しい |
人材の課題 | ⚫︎知見、経験があり、国や自治体との調整ができる統括役が必要 ⚫︎運用者の育成が必要(通常時と比べて危険な場所や困難な状況下でのドローン操縦) |
Aeronext and NEXT DELIVERY will continue to contribute to the speediest possible recovery of the disaster-affected areas by combining their experience and technical capabilities in operating drones as a means of air transportation throughout Japan.